Matt Logan Debut Single: ‘Sorry I’m Late’

My debut single, Sorry I’m Late, came out on February 7th. I’ve always wanted to record and release some of my own songs, but the timing just wasn’t right. This kicks off a series of singles that I have coming out.

Why is this the lead single? Thematically it just seemed right. While my songs aren’t autobiographical, this one delivers a message of honoring the creative muse and taking advantage of creative inspiration when it strikes.

It was my first time writing a horn part, and that made it a really fun experiment. I wanted a triumphant, transformational feeling, especially in the bridge. Here is a video from the day I finished the trumpet part.

My dad played organ and piano on this one, which also made it extra special.

Other shoutouts are in order. My cousin, Sean Phelan, mixed it, and my colleague and fellow music therapist, Madelene Raneses, can be heard singing the background vocals.

Please save it and follow me on Spotify and YouTube, that helps a lot!


Matt Logan releases new single ‘One of Those Nights’